Cardconnect - CardPointe FAQs

Cardconnect - CardPointe FAQs

Article Contents:

This article covers:

- Definitions of various merchant account and transaction fees
- Explanations of decline codes and after-hours support
- Instructions for managing transactions and account information in CardPointe
- Differences between funding summaries and batch reports
- Accessing statements
- Overview of PCI compliance requirements

CardPointe FAQs 

What is this fee on my statement?

See below for a list of fee definitions.

Authorization and Transaction

Authorization FeesCharged each time the card is swiped, keyed, or used in ecommerce, including approvals, pre-authorizations, verifications where card validity and/or AVS is confirmed, and declines. These authorization fees are only assessed on sales, not returns
Transaction FeesCharged for each settled transaction. Transaction fees are assessed on both sales and refunds.
ACH Batch FeesCharged each time the batch is closed. Typically, merchants close their accounts once daily
Voice Authorization FeesCharged if the merchant has to call the card associations to retrieve a voice authorization
Address Verification Fee (AVS)Charged each time the merchant has to enter a zip code or numbers of a street address for verification. This will always be charged on every transaction run through a CardPointe product since AVS is always passed
CardPointe Setup FeeOne-time charge for CardPointe setup
Monthly Platform FeeMonthly fee for using CardPointe
Authorization FeeCharged for each transaction run through any CardPointe product

Monthly and Miscellaneous

Application Fee (One Time)Fee charged to submit and process a merchant services application, or to cover the cost of a 3rd party gateway or software product, such as
Minimum Processing Fee (Monthly)Minimum amount the processor must make, dependent on the discount rate
Early Cancellation FeeOne-time charge for cancelling a merchant account when in breach of contract
DDA Rejects (Per Item)Charge which is only assessed when a withdrawal is rejected due to insufficient funds in the merchant’s bank account
Statement Fee (Monthly)Charge for preparing and sending the merchant statement, also known as the “Service Fee.”
Data Breach Fee or Service Protection ProgramMonthly fee that includes $50k in Breach Protection
Chargeback FeePer occurrence fee for every chargeback incurred by the merchant
Retrieval FeePer occurrence fee for every retrieval inquiry request issued by the card companies. Differs from Chargeback fee in that there is no action being taken, simply an inquiry into the transaction
Annual Membership FeeDefunct fee that is no longer used. Only used when converting old accounts and copied over from previous pricing
Equipment Rental Fee (Monthly)Monthly fee to cover the cost of renting hardware or other equipment
Regulatory Product Fee (Monthly)Monthly fee assessed to cover the cost of producing the 1099 forms required by the IRS for every merchant.
PCI Non-Compliance Fee (Monthly)Monthly fee assessed to the merchant if they do not validate PCI compliance within 90 days of activation
PCI Annual FeeAnnual fee to cover the costs of the processor to maintain full PCI compliance.
Wireless Fee (Monthly)Monthly fee to cover GPRS terminal cost for cellular service.
Wireless ActivationOne-time activation fee to cover GPRS terminal setup cost and SIM card.
Disc P/IDiscount charged per item for each transaction. This is typically seen for merchants who have a transaction fee assessed to the account or in EBT/PIN Debit sales

What do these declines mean?

Each decline comes with a code to help you understand why the error is happening. These decline codes are universal, and can be found by simply entering the code into your preferred search engine.

Who can help me after hours?

Merchants can call 877.828.0720, for after-hours support.

What are the next day funding cutoff times?

The cutoff time for next day funding vary from processor to processor. Contact your account manager to confirm the next day funding cutoff time for your processor.

In some cases, it may be possible to adjust the batch close-out time to occur later in the day, while still receiving the funds next day. Review the Configuring Later Next Day Funding Batches section of the CardPointe Web App support article for more information.

How do I void/refund a transaction?

  1. Merchants can void or refund a transaction done by a CardPointe terminal or device by going to the Virtual Terminal on the CardPointe platform. 
    1. Click Reporting.
    2. Locate the transaction.
    3. Click the Transaction#
    4. A button to Void or Refund the transaction displays under Transaction Detail
  2. If a merchant is using a 3rd Party Terminal, you will need void or refund at the terminal. 

If you still need help, please call 877.828.0720.

How can I change my demographic information in CardPointe?

Merchants can access the options to change their receipt information by going to Administration > Receipts subtab. 

To change the information associated with the account, you will need to contact a Merchant Solutions representative at 877.828.0720

How can I reconcile my funding vs my transactions?

You can access the record of all of your transactions under the Reporting tab in CardPointe. If you feel something is incorrect, please call one of our Merchant Solutions representatives for an answer.

What is the difference between funding summary and a batch report?

A batch report shows each transaction done in a particular time frame. A merchant can either batch automatically each day at a certain time, or batch manually at their terminal. A funding summary is what actually goes into the merchant’s bank account. This can be comprised of multiple batches, like after a weekend, and can also include debits from the account, like fees or charges taken out.

Where can I see my statements?

Your statements are accessible under the Reporting Statements tab. From there, you will be able to see all of your statements from any linked Merchant Identification numbers.

What is PCI compliance and how do I become PCI compliant?

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of industry rules passed down by the major card brands to protect merchants and customers from data breaches and identity theft. All merchants must be compliant, or risk facing a fine from the card brands. As a CardPointe merchant, your PCI compliance status is determined by your standing in Trustwave’s Trustkeeper portal. You can access this portal under the My Account tab on your CardPointe account.

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