Cash Payouts - Tips, Reimbursements, Vendors

Cash Payouts - Tips + Reimbursements + Vendors

Article Contents:
This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to add the ability to do tips, reimbursements, and vendor payouts through the register.

Step 1: Select the REGISTER module from the module navigation menu. In the Register screen, Click on the TOOLS tab and click on the Cash Payout button. The system will create a GENERATE PAYOUTS pop-up window. 

Step 3:  Fill in the following details in the GENERATE PAYOUTS window:

Name Of Recipient:  Enter a recipient's name. 
Amount:  Enter a payout amount in USD.
Type:  Select the category in which you would like to add an item from the drop-down.
                           1) Vendor
                       2) Reimbursement
                       3) Other
Notes:  Add a note regarding the tip if needed.

Step 3: Once all the information has been filled in click on ADD to finalize. 

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