Customer Header Tab - Customers

Customers - Search/Add/View Customer Profiles

Article Contents:

This article contains steps on how to search for, add, and view customer profiles.


The customer information tab contains information on existing customers and can be used to add, edit or delete a customer. 

Step 1: Click on the Customers tab from the header of the window. Select Customers from the left row of the window.

You can do the following activities from the Customers tab:

Step 2: Search: You can input the first few initials in the search bar and you can find if the customer matches the name and other details that already exist in the system. After you search in the box it will create a list of names based on your search in the system. Ex. Go to the CUSTOMER LIST, type Vincent into the search bar and click on the Search button.

Step 3: Add Customer: If you cannot find a customer, you can opt to create a new one. Click on the Add Customer button and the system will provide the Add Customer prompt. You may fill in the details like First Name, Last name, Email, Gender, and Phone, before clicking the Submit button. The system will provide you a Success prompt if the customer was added correctly.

Step 4: View/Edit Customer: Once you have created the basic customer profile, you can further edit this from View/Edit on the selected customer profile. Once you click on that button the system will generate a pop-up labeled Customer Profile which will have the following tabs: General, Membership, Playing History, and Purchase History.

Step 5: General: Under this tab, you can add further customer details apart from what was already added like Date of Birth. You can create a membership id and click on Signup for Membership.

Step 6: Membership:
 Once the membership id is created in the above General tab on the same pop-up click on the Membership button. On this window, you will find that the information you filled in the general tab has been auto-filled. You can choose the preferred billing. You can assign the Membership Class as pre-defined by the course. You can select the Start Date of the membership and the Expiration Date of the membership. Once you have filled in the above details click on Save.

Step 7: Playing History: This tab will show the playing history of the player, and date wise including their: Booking ID, Tee Date, Holes, Front, Back, Pricing Plan, List Price, Selling Price, Checkin Status, and Payment Status. You can also export these details to an excel sheet by clicking on the Export button.

Step 8: Purchase History: This tab will show the purchase history of the customer with Order ID, Order Date, Subtotal, Tax Amount, Grand Total, Payment Type, Status, and Payment Status. You can also export these details to an excel sheet by clicking on the Export button.

Note: In the Customer tab,  you can also Import and Export to an excel format. This allows you to add customers in bulk or update existing customer data.

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