Customer Management - Store a saved method of payment on file for regular Customers.

Customer Management - Store a saved method of payment on file for regular customers.

Article Contents

This article describes how to store a saved method of payment on file for regular customers.


Step 1: Click on the "Customers" tab.

Step 2: Select a member that you want to store the payment method. Then click the "View/Edit" button.

Step 3: Then the system will prompt you "Customer Profile" pop up, then click on the "Payment" tab.

Step 4:  Under "Payment method" you have two options one is for "Add New Card" and another is for "Add ACH Account".

Step 5: A) To add a new card click on "Add New Card". You have to fill in information like cardholder name, card number, CVV, expiration date, billing address, zip code, and card type then click on "Add Card".
B)You can also set the auto-pay option for the selected member such as you can set the default monthly amount or pay balance in full each month and click on the "Save" button.

Step 6: A) To add an ACH account click on "Add ACH Accuont". You have to fill in information like first name, last name, routing number, city, account type, bank account info, street address, state, zip code then click on the "Add Account" button.
B)You can also set the auto-pay option for the ACH account.

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