Customers - Creating A New Flag

Customers - Creating A New Flag

Article Contents:

This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to set a new flag for customers.


Step 1: Select the CUSTOMERS module from the module navigation menu. Next, select Customer from the left side of the window. The system will show existing customers in the ALL CUSTOMERS window. 

Step 2: To set a flag for a new customer click on the Add Customer button. The system will generate a new ADD CUSTOMER window. Fill in all the necessary info in the GENERAL INFO and MEMBER INFO.

Step 3: Select SET FLAG under the General tab. Input all the necessary info, then click on the Add Flag button.  The flag created will be set to the customer.

Step 4:  To set a flag for an existing customer, click View/Edit from the existing customer's ACTION section. The system will open a customer window. Select the SET FLAG tab under the General tab.  Fill in the necessary info, then click the Add Flag button. A flag will be set for the customer.

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