Step 2: Users can view player information such as the date they were added to the database, last visit, rounds played, and loyalty points.
Step 3: Booking details include the date, number of holes or session duration, turn times, pricing plan, selling price, reservation/check-in status, and payment status.
Step 4: The Purchase History tab shows all transactions tied to a specific person, allowing users to search by database order ID or filter by date range.
Step 5: Transaction details include the order ID, date and time, subtotal, tax amount, service charge, grand total, and payment type.
Step 6: Users can sort data by clicking on column headers and view itemized receipt details, including tips, using the "View Receipt" option.
Step 7: The status column indicates if a transaction is active or pending (for open tabs).
Step 8: Both tabs allow users to export data to an Excel file for further analysis.