Golf Outing - Set-up and Tear Down Times

Golf Outing - Set-up and Tear Down Times

Article Contents:
This article shows you how to establish set-up and tear down times for each venue. Times are automatically blocked off in the Venue Manager Module when a venue is added to an event.


Step 1: Click on the Events module along the top row. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager from the left-hand-side menu. Select which event you'd like to edit, and within the event builder, click on the Venue tab.

Step 2: Click Add. An information box will then appear where you can edit the location, venue, and start/end time for the events.

Step 3: If needed, you can add in set-up and tear down times in minutes which will automatically block off the venue manager either before or after the selected times. 

Times are automatically blocked off in the Venue Manager Module when a venue is added to an event.

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