Inventory - How to Upcharge After Modifier Selections

Inventory - How to Upcharge After Modifier Selections

Article Contents:

Modifier Upcharge Features allow for a more flexible pricing structure within inventory management systems. Users can now easily navigate to Modifier Upcharge Settings to configure additional fees for item customizations. This is accomplished by specifying an Upcharge Amount and determining the number of selections permissible before this charge is applied, under the 'Upcharge After Selections' field.

Step-by-Step Guide: 

Step 1: Navigate to the Inventory Modifier Groups settings by following the path: Settings → Inventory Center → Inventory Modifier Groups → Manage Category.

Step 2: Either Add Modifier Category or click the Action buttons next to the item you would like to apply the upcharge and select View/Edit. 

Inventory - How to create a new Group Modifier Article HERE

Step 3: Set the desired upcharge fee in the Upcharge Amount field and the number of allowed selections before the upcharge is applied in the Upcharge After Selections field. Then close. 

Example: If you're configuring a Modifier Group for "Pizza Toppings" and you set the "Upcharge Amount" to $2.00 and the "Upcharge After Selections" to 2, customers will be charged an additional $2 for each topping after the first two free selections.

To ensure that the modifier options are displayed correctly, verify that the "Pop-Up Modifiers by Default" setting is enabled by following: Settings → Register Settings → Register Tab → "Pop Up Modifiers by Default".

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