Article Contents:
This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and manage
late fees in the Club Caddie golf POS software.
Step 1: Setting Invoice Due After Days.
1. Navigate to Membership Settings > Invoice
Due After Days.
2. Enter the number of days for the invoice due
date. This number is capped at 30 days.
3. Click Add Invoice Due After Days to save the
Step 2: Setting the Amount of Late Fees.
1. Go to Settings > Membership Settings > Late
2. Click Add to create a new late fee setting.
3. Fill in the required fields:
- Title: Enter a title for
the late fee.
- Fee Type % or Fee Type $
Amount: Choose either a percentage or a dollar amount for the late fee.
4. Once defined, the late fee will trigger after
the number of days set in Step 1.
Step 3: Editing an Existing Late Fee.
1. Navigate to Settings > Membership Settings > Late
2. Click Edit next to the late fee you want to
3. Make the necessary changes and click Save.
Step 4: Removing a Late Fee.
1. Go to Settings > Membership Settings Late
2. Click Remove next to the late fee you want to
3. Confirm the removal when prompted.