Resolve QuickBooks Desktop Sync Error: "The Parameter Is Incorrect"

Quickbooks Desktop Sync Error - "The Parameter Is Incorrect"

Article Content :-

This portion summarizes how to resolve the Quickbooks Sync Error, "The Parameter is Incorrect."
This error is likely due to a session issue within Quickbooks and can be resolved by following the below steps

Step By Step -

Step 1:  In Club Caddie, navigate to settings -> quickbooks integration -> quickbooks desktop -> click "disconnect from quickbooks."

Step 2: In Quickbooks, navigate to company -> preferences -> integrated applications -> company preferences. You'll want to click remove so that the Club Caddie application is no longer connected to quickbooks. Then click Ok. 

Step 3: Log out of Club Caddie and Quickbooks. Upon logging out of both applications, log back into quickbooks and while quickbooks is opened in the background, log into Club Caddie. 

Step 4: Head back to settings -> quickbooks integration -> quickbooks desktop. At this time, you should see the quickbooks icon flashing in the lower tool bar of your computer. Click on the quickbooks icon and you'll be presented by a popup window where you'll be notified that Club Caddie is trying to connect with quickbooks and you'll want to select "yes, prompt each time." 

Step 5: This will re-establish your desktop connection and you'll now be able to set your from date time and to date time to the dates desired and click "sync with quickbooks"

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