Redeeming a punchcard round
Article Contents:
This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to redeem a punchcard round.
Step 1: Within the 'TEE SHEET' select the appropriate tee time and search for and add the customer for whom the punch card is being redeemed.
Step 2: Click on the rate under the column 'Class - Walk/Ride'. This will open a pop-up window where the punch card rate can be chosen. Punch cards have an icon to the right of their entries to distinguish them.
Proceed with normal check-in procedures.
Step 3: Note that when the register screen is reached, regardless of the associated rate attached to the punch card the 'Grand Total' of purchase will be $0.00. This amount is due to the rate being pre-paid via the punch card previously purchased. Proceed with the checkout process by clicking 'Pay'.
The system will open a 'PAYMENT MODE' pop-up window. With Cash pre-selected, click 'Ok' to process the order. Select 'Pay Exact Amount' on the following screen. The system will generate a receipt which can be voided, printed, emailed, or saved to PDF.
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