Reports - Active Rate Report.

Reports - Active Rate Report.

Article Contents:

This article summarizes how to navigate to your active rates report. This report allows you to filter down to a particular date period to query the active rates that will display both on-site and online for your facility.


Step 1: Select "Reports" from the top navigation menu and then select "Active Rates" on your left-hand side.

Step 2:  At the top of the report, you will find the following available filters for you to sort your existing rates.

Filter Type
Effective Date
Allows users to filter to a specific date within a rate type's date period.
Effective Time
Allows users to filter to a specific time within a rate type's time period.
Number of Holes
Allows users to select between their setup # of holes. Default is 9/18 but certain facilities may see 6/12/18, 9/18/27, etc.
Allows users to select between riding and walking rates types.
Rate ($ Cost)
Allows users to filter to an exact dollar amount for the underlying rates.
Days of the Week
Allows users to filter to rate types that are active for certain days of the week. Note that this is an AND operator, listing rates that display a "Yes" value for each of the days selected.

Step 3:  Once you have filtered this report according to your desired time period and rate characteristics click on the "Search" button. 

In the below example, I wanted to see my currently active rates for 5/1/2021 at 9:00 AM local time, 9 holes, riding, and active Friday & Saturday. After clicking search my active rates are filtered to my parameters and it displays the 3 rates that are active during this time period. 

After reviewing your active rates report for a specified time period, you may notice that an expected rate type does not exist or other parameters related to the rate are incorrect. You'll need to visit the rack rate or class rate management sections found within your facility's settings menu.

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