Reports- Header Tab - Sales By Item Report

Reports- Header Tab - Sales By Item Report

Article Contents: 

This article contains step-by-step instructions on the sales by item report. 


Step 1: Select the REPORTS module from the module navigation menu.

Step 2On the left-hand menu click on Sales By Item Report.

Step 3 This window will show you the Sales Date, Course Name, Department, Sub Department, Category, Item, Vendor, Unit Price, Wholesale Price, and Quantity.

Step 4:  You can search Course and Sub-Department from the drop-down also choose between Day, Week, Month, Year or From and Till date selected from the calendar drop down and click on search for particular dates from each window. 

Step 5: Features available within the Navbar:

Print: To print the report on a configured printer.
Refresh: Used to refresh the current page with any updated information since viewing began. 
Print Layout: Used to allow the user to see a visual representation of what would be printed on paper.
Page Setup: Allows the user to set parameters to be used during report printing. 
Export: Used to export the report in WordExcelPowerPointPDFTiffMHTMLCSVXML, or Data Field formats. To zoom the exported report, select the size from the drop-down list.
Zoom Drop-Down: Used to resize the report to display at various sizes. 

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