Reports - Sales Detail By Department

Reports - Sales Detail By Department

Article Contents:

This article article contains step-by-step instruction on accessing and understanding the Sales Detail By Department report.

Step By Step:

Step 1:  Click the “Reports” button located on the header tab.

Step 2: On the left side of the screen, click the “Reports - Sales Detail By Department” button.

Step 3: This window displays various metrics such as Facilities, SKU, Quantity, Sales, Cost, and Margin Percent.

Step 4: You have the option to apply department-specific filters. Use the available functions to filter the report by Day, Week, Month, Year, or by a specific date range selected from the calendar dropdown. Then, click “Search.”

Step 5:- To download the report in Excel or PDF format, click “Export Excel” or “Export PDF” in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

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