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This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to check sales tax detailed report.
Step 1: Click on the "Report" tab on the home screen.
Step 2
: Scroll down the report session you will get the "Sales Tax Detail Report"
Step 3
:A)Under the "Sales Tax Detail Report", You have the option to sort the report department-wise, sub-department-wise, date-wise, or year, month, week-wise, etc.
B)You have another option to choose whether this report "Include Sub Department" tax details or not and hit the "Search" button.
Step 4
: Now you can see a detailed report for A)SKU(Stock Keeping Unit), B) Item Description, C) Quantity of item, D) Amount holds that item, E)How much tax applied for that item, F)Percentage of tax applied for that item, G) Nontaxable Quantity, H)Nontaxable Amount, I)The Total amount including all factor.
Step 5
: You can export this detailed report as excel