Reports - Tee Booking And Cancellation Report
Article Contents:
This article contains step by step instructions on
Reports - Tee Booking And Cancellation Report.
Step 1: Select “Reports” from the module navigation menu at the top of the point-of-sale.
Step 2: Click on the “Reports” button on the header tab, On the right hand of the screen click on the “
Tee Booking And Cancellation Report
” button from the row on the left.
Step 3:
This window will show you the Tee Booking ID,Name on Booking, Holes, Where, Reservation Time, Tee Time Cancellation Time, Cancelled by and Notes.
Note: You will find out who canceled the booking in the "cancelled by" section.
Step 4: A) You can search the booking using the following filter "All and Cancelled".
B) You can also search for booking by date for each individual user
Step 5:
You can click on the “Excel Export” from the left-hand corner of the screen to download an excel report.
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