Setting up Cost of Goods (COGS) in Club Caddie and Quickbooks

Setting up Cost of Goods (COGS) in Club Caddie and Quickbooks

Article Contents:

This guide details how to sync Quickbooks vendors with Club Caddie and enabling COGS journal entries. It also includes steps on setting up inventory items with associated vendors and item costs in Club Caddie.

1. Set up Inventory Items: Inventory items should be registered in Club Caddie with their associated vendors and item costs.

2. Quickbooks Vendors Integration: When Quickbooks is synced with Club Caddie, the vendors listed in the Quickbooks Inventory Center will populate in the Club Caddie software.

3. Configuring COGS within Club Caddie: To accomplish this, you must first associate Quickbook vendors with those in Club Caddie.

Navigate to `Settings > QuickBookIntegration > QuickBook Vendors`.

    Here are the descriptions for relevant fields within the Quickbook Vendor screen:

    CLUBCADDIE VENDOR NAME: This is the name of the vendor as created in the Club Caddie Inventory Center
    VENDOR NAME: This is the Vendor Name as imported from Quickbooks
    VENDOR QB ID: This is the Quickbooks Vendor ID

For each inventory item listed, use the `View / Edit` option to edit the associated entry and include its CLUBCADDIE VENDOR NAME

4. Enabling COGS Journal Entries: Once your inventory items in the Inventory Center include vendor and item costs and are associated with Quick Books Vendors, you can enable COGS journal entries.

Navigate to: `Settings > QuickBookIntegration > Settings > COGS Journal Entries`. Click the associated box to enable the setting. 

After enabling COGS Journal Entries in settings, proceed to `Journal Entry Setup` to create the COGS journal entries. During this setup, include the account being used for the cost of goods sold. 

Be sure to check the `Use Item Cost` button. This button informs the system to use the item cost for a cost of goods entry. If unchecked, the system will default to using the sale price, leading to an incorrect COGS entry.

Following setup and a successful Quickbook sync, the journal entries in Quickbooks will include vendor details and use the cost of goods sold price. 

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