Settings – Creating/Editing a Vendor

Settings – Creating/Editing a Vendor

Article Contain: 

This article contains step-by-step instructions on managing the vendor list, including adding, editing, and searching for vendors, as well as deleting them.


Step 1:  Click the Gear Wheel icon at the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Click on Inventory Center from the left hand menu.

Step 3: Select the "Receive/Transfer Inventory" button from the left-side menu.

Step 4: Choose "Vendor List". To find existing vendors, use the search box or browse the vendor list provided.

Step 4: To add a new vendor, click the "Add Vendor" button in the upper left hand corner of the screen. A pop-up titled "Add Vendor" will appear. Enter details such as Vendor Name, Phone Number, and Email Address, then click "Add". The new vendor will then be added to the list.

Step 5: To edit vendor details, like title or contact information, or to add an address, click the "View/Edit" button next to the vendor's name. A pop-up titled "Edit Vendor" will open. Make your changes and, to add an address, click the pencil icon. This action will open another pop-up, "Edit Address". Enter the address details and click "Save". The updated vendor details will be saved to the list.

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