Article Contents:
This article summarizes how to create a new item using the Inventory Center found within Settings.
Step 1:
Click on the Gear Wheel Icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Step 2: Click on the Inventory Center button from the left-hand navigation menu
Step 3:
Click on the Add/Manage Items button at the top of the screen. Next select ADD ITEM and the system will generate a pop-up to fill in the following details:
Department: Select the department to add an item to from the drop-down.
Sub Department: Select the sub-department to add an item to from the drop-down.
Category: Select the category to add an item from the drop-down.
Manufacturer: Fill in the manufacturer's title/name if the item is produced by a third-party vendor.
Type: Select Inventory from the list of options in the drop-down.
Item: Fill in the title/name of the item.
Total Item Cost: Fill in the quantity of the item which is available.
Add Modifier: The item can be customized with additional fees, or even reducing the fees if the modifier is applied. A modifier can also be edited and/or deleted.
Barcode: A pre-labeled barcode on an item can be scanned into the system. A barcode can also be generated from the software Avery provided for non-labeled items.
Item Cost: Fill in the amount which is incurred to prepare the item.
Sale Price: Fill in the selling amount for the item. The sales price input will be exclusive of any taxes. Taxes will be added on top as per the product and tax policies.
Floor Price: Fill in the amount that the item cannot be discounted below. This price will be the minimum price the item can be sold for.
Tax Group: Select the Tax Group from the drop-down as per the tax applicable for this particular item.
Description: A description of the product can be added if needed.
Vendor: If the product is procured from a specific vendor, this drop-down can be used to select it.
Step 4: Once the required information has been added, click on Save and the system will add the item to the Inventory. You can further edit the item from the inventory list by following the same steps mentioned above and editing the fields that are needed. For example, changing the department, vendor etc..