Setting Minimum Group Size for Online Bookings: Step-by-Step Guide

Class Management - Minimum Group Size for Online Bookings

Article Contents:

This is a step-by-step guide on how to set a minimum for group size for online bookings.

Example: If you have a class called Platinum and would like to allow them to book as a single, you can enter 1. However, if you have a silver category with more restrictions and do not want to allow them to book as a single golfer, then you could set this to 2 or more. You could further require prepayment to ensure those times are paid in full. This way, You get the most out of your tee times and even incentivize upgrading. 


Step 1:
 Click on the Gear Wheel icon on the top-right corner of the screen. Then, select Class Management from the left hand side menu.

Step 2: Select the Action drop-down on the right hand side to edit the class. Then, click on Additional Settings. This will generate a pop-up window.

Step 3: Here you will be able to set the Minimum Group Size For Online Bookings by clicking on the drop-down and selecting 1-4. After selecting your minimum, click Save.

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