Settings - Register Settings - Add Tip as Line Item

Settings - Register Settings - Add Tip as Line Item

Article Contents:

A new button in the Tools section of the Register. For this to appear, the Register Setting for “Add Tip as Line Item” needs to be enabled. This allows for Employees to add a Tip to a Tab before the Transaction is tendered out. It is also applicable for Tabs/Tables with many Customers, where an automatic Gratuity of a given percentage will be added. If Suggested Tips amounts are set up for a Terminal, those percentages will appear. Users can also add a dollar amount Tip to the Tab. 


Step 1: Click on the Gear Wheel icon on the top right corner of the screen to access the settings page. 

Step 2: Click on the Register Settings button from the menu on the left side of the screen and ensure that the "Add tip line items:" is toggled on. 

Step 3: Go to the Manage Roles tab choose the roles you would like to allow these features and select "Edit Permission."  Toggle on the "Add Tip" option under the Register dropdown.

Step 4: Click on the Register Module and Click on Tools to ensure the button is now available. 

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