Settings - Terminal Management

Settings - Terminal Management

Video (4:57): 

This video offers a walk-through on adding additional terminals. With clear, step-by-step instructions, this tutorial simplifies the process of terminal creation, highlighting key features and providing practical examples. Learn how to personalize each terminal, and enable necessary features. 

Article Contain:
 Click on the “Terminal Management”,  Click on “Manage Location,” you can add a new location which has not been yet introduced by the Golf Course “Manage Location” in   which you can Add, Edit or Delete. 

Step By Step: 

Step 1: Click on the Gear Wheel Icon on the top Right corner of screen.

Step 2: Click on the “Terminal Management,” from the row on the left side of the screen.

Step 3: Click on “Manage Location” on the left-hand side of the screen. You can add a new location that has not yet been introduced by the Golf Course. You can add a specific location through this function if it doesn’t already exist. You can add tip suggestions or delete them. You also have the option to double-click into the fields to rename or set printer receipt options under the various Receipt options.

Click Edit to save these options! 

Once you click on the system will open a pop-up “Manage Location,” in which you can Add, Edit or Delete a Location. You will find the newly added Location or edited location on the menu below which gives you choice of locations to manage terminals.

Step 4: Once you select your preferred location and Terminal, you can do the following functions. 

  • Add Terminal - Click on the “Locations” tab on the predefined locations to Add, Edit or Delete a terminal from a specified location.

  • For ex. A pro shop can have more than 1 terminal. So in this case select the Location, Click on “Add Terminal” button on the right side of your screen,

  • The popup window will appear. Fill in the Title for the terminal and toggle on any settings you would like this terminal to have.

    • Show Notifications: To receive on-demand notifications

    • Requires Pin on Quick Tab: Requires an employee pin for the creation of a quick tab

    • Lock Screen: To display only orders tied to the currently logged-in employee

    • Automatic Pinlock After Idle Seconds

    • Automatic Logout After Idle Seconds

    • Enable Signature - Tip after payment: This is a useful feature for facilities that utilize devices like the Microsoft Surface Pro. This is a terminal-specific setting and will only work if you have entered the custom tip suggestions under manage locations.

      • An example of this feature would be if the server could take the tablet to the table and ultimately have the customer swipe their card or utilize paying with the Membership Id option. They will be able to sign and tip right on the device itself.

    • Automatically Saved Register Tabs: should ALWAYS be toggled on. This ensures that tabs are automatically saved

    • Reopen Tabs Behavior: There are 2 options here - Reopen all Employee Tabs and Do Not Reopen any Tabs.

      • If the option for Do not Reopen any Tabs is selected, whenever an Employee either logs into Club Caddie or uses PIN Lock to access the Register, none of their Open Tabs will appear.

      • This is especially helpful if an Employee is working in the Register with many open Tabs. All of the Open Tabs will be available to be Re-Opened by using Pull Tabs, but they will not automatically appear in the Register

  • Click on Add Terminal button

  • A new terminal will be created for the specified locations, which will help the dedicated employees to log in on this terminal.   


  • View Summary - You can select Locations For ex. Golf Course, Restaurant, Bar, Pro Shop etc.

  •  You can see the number of terminals listed on each location once you click on preferred location.

  • Select the preferred terminal and click on load terminal. Click on the “View Summary” button on the terminal which will pop up a “Terminal Summary’ display.

  • All the transactions carried out on that terminal. You can choose the Date of Summary which will include Total Sales, Gross Sale, Tee Times, Payment Break Down etc.

  • You can Export the Summary into Excel or Print Receipt for a copy of the summary.



  • Edit – Once you click on the “Edit” button on the selected terminal, system will prompt you with a pop up “Edit Terminal” In this pop up you can change the terminal.

  • Delete – If there is a terminal that has been created accidentally without ever using it, You can click on “Delete” button and the terminal will be deleted.

               However, If the terminal has any sales recorded on it, the system will not allow you to delete the terminal.

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