Settings - Terminal Management - Configuring Receipt Printing Options

Settings - Terminal Management - Configuring Receipt Printing Options

Article Contents:

New settings have been added in Terminal Management to allow more control over printing customer and merchant receipt copies separately. This can help save on paper and printing costs.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings, then click on Terminal Management from the left-hand side menu.

Step 2: Select Manage Location for the desired terminal. Next, configure the following new receipt printing options:

  • Merchant Receipt Print Behavior - Choose "Print" or "Do Not Print"
  • Merchant Receipt Type - Select "Full Receipt" or "Compact Receipt". The compact receipt only shows the order total.
  • Customer Receipt Print Behavior - Choose "Print" or "Do Not Print"
  • Customer Receipt Type - Select "Full Receipt" or "Compact Receipt". The compact receipt only shows the order total.

Step 3:
Click Save.

These configurable receipt printing options allow merchants to only print essential receipt copies on a transaction-by-transaction basis. This results in paper and cost savings.

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