Tee Sheet - Add New Customer

Tee Sheet - Add New Customer

Article Contents: 

This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to add new customers through the Tee Sheet.


Step 1: Select the TEE SHEET module from the module navigation menu.

Step 2: Book a tee time:
There are 3 ways to reserve a tee time.

     1. Click Add next to the time on the slot.

     2. Right-click on a particular time slot and click Add Booking in the drop-down list.


     3. Double-click on the time slot. 


Step 3:  The system will open a new Tee-Time window. To add a new customer click on the +  symbol. 

Step 4:  The system will generate an Add Customer window.  Select General Info under the General tab. Fill in all the necessary info then click Save. The customer will be added and will reflect in tee-time. Finally click Reserve or Split Reserve and you will see that new customer booked on your tee sheet.

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