Tee sheet - Send Email

Tee sheet - Send Email

Article Contents

This article contains a step-by-step guide on sending an e-mail through the tee-sheet.


Step 1:  Click on the "TEE SHEET" button at the top of the screen.

Step 2: Click on the "Send Email" button at the top of the screen as this will generate a pop-up window to send an e-mail.

Step 3: If you want to send an email to everyone on a tee sheet for the day, select the "All" option in the email window. Next, enter the subject and the information you want to inform the golfers, then click on "Send E-Mail".

Step 4: If you want to send an email to specific time span on a tee sheet for a day, select the "Specific Time" option in the e-mail window. Then enter the time span, subject, and the information you want to inform. Finally, click "Send E-Mail".

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