Golf Outing Manager
Golf Outing - Adding Instructions to Timelines
Article Contents: This will show you how to create timeline item instructions that streamline event planning by offering department specific instructions that appear in the timeline tab in the event builder which will reflect on the function sheet. ...
Golf Outing- Confirmation Status
Article Contents: This shows how to use the different Status' in the Event Builder. Step-by-Step: Step 1: Navigate to the Events module, then select the event to open the Event Builder window. Step 2: On the Event Details tab, navigate to ...
Golf Outing - Set-up and Tear Down Times
Article Contents: This article shows you how to establish set-up and tear down times for each venue. Times are automatically blocked off in the Venue Manager Module when a venue is added to an event. Step-by-Step: Step 1: Click on the Events module ...
Golf Outing - Post Revenue
Article Contents: This article provides instructions on how to use the feature Post Revenue in the event builder. When selected, the items in the Menu and Add Ons tabs will be posted as revenue and reflected in Reports. Step-by-Step: Step 1: Select ...
Golf Outing Event Manager - Creating Fee Types (video 2:46)
Article Contents: This video contains step-by-step instructions on how to set up different fee types for a golf outing or a golf league, including how to add prices, calculate total costs, and view a summary of the event’s fees. Step 1: Select the ...
Golf Outing Manager - Closing Events
Article Contents: This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to close a Golf Outing event. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Navigate to the EVENTS module (1). From there, select Golf Outing Manager (2) from the left menu pane. Step 2: In the GOLF ...
Events - Make Events tax Exempt.
Article Contents: This article shows how to make an event tax-exempt/free. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Click on "Event" from the header of the window. Step 2: Click on "Golf Outing Manager" then click on "Add New Event". Step 3: Fill all information for an ...
Golf Outing Event Manager - Golfers Tab
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on using the Golfers tab to create the various rate types for the golf outing. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Next, select Golf Outing ...
Golf Outing Manager - Date filters
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on applying date filters to Golf Outings. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then click Golf Outing Manager from the left-hand menu. Step ...
Golf Outing Manager - Export All
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to export all Golf Outing events in the Golf Outing Manager to a spreadsheet. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf ...
Golf Outing Manager - Search event name
Article Contents: This article gives step-by-step instructions on how to search event names in the Golf Outing Manager. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the ...
Golf Outing Manager - Menu
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to add a menu to the Golf Outing Manager. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the left-hand ...
Golf Outing Manager- Add Ons
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to include add ons within the Golf Outing Manager. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the ...
Golf Outing Manager - Function Sheet - Download
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to download the Function Sheet from the Golf Outing Manager. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager ...
Golf Outing Manager - Attachments
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to add Attachment files to the Golf Outing Manager. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the ...
Golf Outing Manager- Communication
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to add Communication notes in Golf Outing Manager. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the ...
Golf Outing Manager - Payment - Make Deposit
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to make a deposit on outings in the Golf Outing Manger. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the ...
Golf Outing Manager - Payment - Final Payment
Article Contents: This portion summarizes how to make a Final Payment. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the left-hand menu. Step 2: The Golf Outing Manager shows a ...
Golf Outing Manager - Instructions - Manage Departments
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to manage departments and add instructions. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the left-hand ...
Events - Create Golf Outing
Article Contents: This article provides a step-by-step guide to creating a new golf outing. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the EVENTS module from the module navigation menu. Then, click on Golf Outing Manager in the left-hand menu. Step 2: Click on Add ...