Register - Item Level Tax Exempt
Article Contents: This article provides instructions on how to manage tax exemption settings on individual items or the entire tab in the register. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Open the register and select the tab where you want to add items. Add the ...
Register - Exchange Items
Article Contents: This article contains a step-by-step guide on how to exchange items using negative quantities. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Click on REGISTER from the header of the screen. Step 2: Select the items that are being exchanged and purchased ...
Register - Round up for Charity
Article Contents: This article contains a step-by-step guide on how to round up for charity when checking out a purchase. Round up for charity is a feature that allows customers to donate the change from their purchases to a cause of your choice by ...
Assigning Staff members to Sales using unique Identification Pins.
Article Contents: This article contains instructions on how to assign staff members to sales using Unique Identification Pins. Step-By-Step Instructions Step 1: First, click on Settings and click on Terminal Management from the left-hand-side menu. ...
Register - Sending Orders to Multiple Kitchen & Bar Printers
Article Contents: This article covers how to set up and send an order to multiple Kitchen and Bar printers. Step-by-Step: Step 1: Click on the "Gear Wheel" Icon on the top-right corner of the screen Step 2: Click on the “Register Settings” button on ...
Register - Sending Orders to Kitchen/Bar for multiple prints.
Article Contents This article covers how to send an order to Kitchen/Bar for multiple prints. Step-by-Step: Step 1: Click on the "Gear Wheel" Icon on the top right corner of the screen Step 2: Click on the “Register setting” button on the left side ...
Register - How to merge the items from two tabs into one tab in the register
Article Contents: This article gives step-by-step instructions on how to merge two tab's items into one tab in the register. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the REGISTER module from the module navigation menu. Step 2: Add items in the tab. Step 3: Add ...
Register - Apply discount on individual item.
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how users can apply discounts on an individual item from the cart. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the REGISTER module from the module navigation menu. Step 2: Select items from the ...
Register: Change the type of Rack Rate for a given tee time from the Register
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to change the rack rate from the REGISTER for a given tee time. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the TEE SHEET module from the module navigation menu. Reserve a tee time. Step 2: ...
Register - Edit Modifier
Article Contents: This portion summarize how to Apply modifiers to items. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the REGISTER module from the module navigation menu. Step 2: Add item from the Department and Sub department that is on left side of the window, ...
Register - Adding Preparation Instructions Per Item
Article Contents: This article gives instructions on how to add preparation instructions to an item in the register module. Step-By-Step: Step 1: To add preparation instructions to an item, select the item on the registration tab, and click on the ...
Register - Modifying Items from the Tab
Article Contents: This article gives instructions on how to modify items from the register tab. Step-By-Step Step 1: After clicking on an item to add it to the register tab, click on the pencil-shaped icon on the left side of the item title to modify ...
Register - Removing Items from the Tab
Article Contents: This article gives step-by-step instructions on how to remove items from the register tab. Step-by-Step: Step 1: Once an item is in the register tab, it can be deleted from the tab by clicking on the “X” icon next to the item price. ...
Register - Change/Edit Item Price
Article Contents: This article gives step-by-step instructions on how to change item prices in the register. Step-by-Step: Step 1: After selecting the REGISTER module, click on an item to add it to the register tab. Step 2: Item prices can be edited ...
Register-Editing Item Quantity
Article Contents: This article gives step-by-step instructions on how to edit item quantities in the register. Step-By-Step: Step 1: After selecting the REGISTER module, click on an item to add it to the register tab. Step 2: Item quantities can be ...
Register - Print a Tab (receipt button)
Article Contents: This article gives step-by-step instructions on how to Print a Tab (Receipt button) from the Register. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Click on the REGISTER module from the top menu. Step 2: Select items from the left window. Items will be ...
Register - Splitting Tabs
Article Contents: This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to split tabs in a restaurant or bar. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Within the REGISTER module, choose the tab containing the items you wish to split from the list of available tabs. Step 2 ...
Register - Sending Orders to Kitchen/Bar
Article Contents This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to send an order to a Kitchen/Bar. Step-by-Step: Step 1: Navigate to the register and add items for the order. After adding all the items to the order, click Send. Step 2: A ...
Register - Payment Methods
Article Contents: This article will go through the various options of payments. You can click on the "Pay" button on the desired tab and you will be prompted with the "Payment Mode" pop-up displaying the following options: Cash Check Card Swipe ...
Register - Split Payment Method
Article Contents: This article will cover how a user can split a payment into different modes of payment. Step-by-Step: Step 1: From the REGISTER module (1), select a register tab to process a payment (2). Step 2: Click on the Split Pay Button. The ...
Register - Managing Items in a Tab
Article Contents: This article provides a comprehensive guide on managing items in a tab, including editing quantities, changing prices, removing items, modifying selections, and adding preparation instructions for each item. Step-By-Step: Step 1: ...
Register - Deleting a Tab
Article Contents This article contains steps on how to delete a tab in the REGISTER. Step-by-Step: Step 1: Open the REGISTER (1) module and select the Tab you want to Delete (2). Step 2: You can right click on the particular tab and select Delete (1) ...
Register - Applying Discount to Tab
Article Contents: This article provides instructions on how to apply a discount to a tab. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Select the Tab you want to apply the discount to from the tabs list (1). Step 2: Click on the Apply Discount button (2) on the bottom ...
Register - Adjust Menu/Tab Display
Article Contents: This article contains information on adjusting the menu and tabs size displayed on the screen. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Click on the divider line, which separates the menus and tabs. Step 2: Click and hold the divider line and drag it ...
Register - Adding/Editing a Tab
Article Contents: This article contains information on Adding/Editing a tab in the Register. Step-By-Step: Step 1: The first way a user can add a new tab is by clicking on any inventory item in the register departments. The system will create a new ...
Register - Opening Cash Drawer
Article Contents This article contains a step-by-step guide on how to open a cash drawer. Step-By-Step: Step 1: Go to the REGISTER tab from the main menu. Step 2: To open the Cash Drawer, click the Open button at the bottom right. Note: The cash ...