Refunding or Voiding
Partial refund for Member Charges
Article Content: How to apply a partial refund to class billing. If a Class pays a total payment, users can refund a portion of that amount. Step by Step Guide: Step 1: Click on the Sales Module. Then, search for the transaction you want to refund ...
Sales - Refunding An Order
Article Contents: This article contains step by step instructions on how to refund an order that has settled Step By Step: Step 1: Click on "Sales" Tab from the header of window. Step 2: Click on the "Action" Button which is on the right side of the ...
Sales - Voiding a Transaction
Article Contents: This article contains step-by-step instructions on voiding an order or transaction. Step By Step: Step 1: Navigate to the SALES module from the main navigation menu. This will open the Recent Orders window. Step 2: Click on the ...