Register - Deleting a Tab

Register - Deleting a Tab

Article Contents

This article contains steps on how to delete a tab in the REGISTER.


Step 1:  Open the REGISTER (1) module and select the Tab you want to Delete (2).

Step 2: You can right click on the particular tab and select Delete (1) from the drop down menu. Or you can click on the "-" Icon (2) after selecting the tab. 

Once you click delete, a pop-up window will appear with three options: "Move to Pull Tabs", "Permanently Delete", and "Close". If you do not wish to make any changes, select "Close".

Move to Pull Tabs: Selecting this option allows for the moving of an order tab to the pull tabs screen. This is useful for reducing the screen real estate taken up by a tab that is currently not needed for input. For more information about pull tabs, please visit: Register Pull Tabs.

Permanently Delete: This option should be used when an order gets canceled and needs to be removed from the system. It is important to confirm the deletion, as this action is irreversible.

Step 3: If a user does not have Manager Override Access, the system will prompt them to input a manager override pin. This prompt is in place to prevent users from accidentally deleting customer orders. These override pins can be set up in User Roles and applied to users in the Course User Info settings.

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