Sales - Voiding a Transaction.

Sales - Voiding a Transaction

Article Contents:

This article contains step-by-step instructions on voiding an order or transaction.

Step By Step:

Step 1
Navigate to the SALES module from the main navigation menu. This will open the Recent Orders window.

Step 2:
Click on the Action button, located on the right side of the Recent Orders window. This will display a set of options, including Receipt, Refund, Void, Add Tip, Re-Open, and Clone.

Step 3: Select the "Void" option. This will open a pop-up window with an alert message and a prompt to add a void note.

Step 4:  If you wish to void the order, provide a reason in the given text field and click the "Yes, Void this order" button. If you decide not to void the order, click the "No, Do not void" button.

If you receive an error message regarding that you're outside your voiding window, please contact you administrator. However, you are able to adjust the voiding window time frame by clicking Settings>Register Settings>Void Window>Submit.
For step-by-step instructions on how to adjust the Voiding Window, please CLICK HERE.

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