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This article contains an overview of the Activity Center, including its functions and features for managing various activities and resources within the Club Caddie software.
The Activity Center acts as the control center for the ACTIVITIES module. The Activity Center (which can be found at Settings > Activity Center) offers several tabs with functionalities to help club operators manage their activities effectively.
These tabs are Activity Resource Types, Activity Resources, Activity Rack Rates, Activity Class Rates, Activity Policies, Activity Settings.
Activity Resource Type: The Activity Center enables club operators to create and manage "Activity Resource Types." These are different types of course resources, such as simulators, lessons, or pickleball. Once created, these resource types can be found within the ACTIVITIES module.
More information on creating Activity Resource Types can be found HERE Activity Resources: These refer to the physical locations of the Activity Resource Types. For example, a simulator's Activity Resource could be Bay 1.
More information on creating Activity Resources can be found
Activity Rack Rates: This function allows operators to set rack rates for various activities, similar to public golf rack rates. Features include naming the rack rate, setting the amount, resource type, duration, day of the week, start and end dates, start and end times, online availability, display sequence, and booking windows.
More information on creating Activity Rack Rates can be found
Activity Class Rates: Operators can set class rates for activities, similar to golf class rates. This includes selecting the class type, resource type, duration, day of the week, start and end dates, start and end times, online availability, rate, occupancy level, maximum usage, display sequence, and booking windows.
More information on creating Activity Class Rates can be found
Activity Policies: The Activity Center allows operators to establish various policies related to the use of activity resources.
More specific information on creating and managing Activity Policies can be found
Activity Settings: Operators can customize various settings related to activity resources.
Specific information about these settings and how to configure them can be found HERE.
In summary, the Activity Center in Club Caddie software provides a comprehensive solution for managing club resources and activities, allowing operators to create and manage resource types, set rates, establish policies, and configure settings to meet their unique needs.